inflatable kayaking
All rafting trips are guided, which means there will be a Coal Tubin’ Whitewater Guide on every trip.
Do you want to see Pennsylvania’s 2012 river of the year including the longest stretch of continuous rapids on the east coast with you at the helm of your own craft?! Get in one of our inflatable whitewater kayaks! You’ll be navigating your way through BIG rapids all on your own and getting drenched the whole time! Coal Tubin’ Guides will be at your side the whole trip to discuss proper pathways through the rapids and boating techniques. Safety and customer satisfaction is paramount at Coal Tubin’ and your inflatable kayak whitewater trip will be a trip of a lifetime!
Participants must be able to swim. Coal Tubin’ holds the right to cancel any trip schedule due to water levels and weather. Trip reservations canceled by customers must be done 2 weeks in advance of the reservation to receive a full refund. Within the two week window, you will not receive a refund.
During high water days, Coal Tubin may shift the trips to nearby Quemahoning Creek (4 miles of class II-III whitewater), Shade Creek (9 miles of class III whitewater), or Bens Creek ( 6 miles of Class I-II water)
Reservations are required. Those interested in booking a trip can contact us at [email protected], or (814)243-3286.
Check out our FAQ section for more tubin’ questions answered.
Saftey Rules:
1. Children must be 12 years of age for the Stony Canyon Rafting Run, 8 years of age for the Family Rafting Run, and 14 years of age to inflatable kayak. There are no exceptions. Ensure that your children will feel comfortable rafting, you will be dropped off by a shuttle and runs are long and secluded. There is no turning back!
2. You must listen to your raft guide. He knows what he is doing! Even if you have been whitewater rafting before, your guide knows the river best!
3. Do not take anything you don’t want to lose on the river with you! Including valuables, car keys, cell phones, jewelry or anything else that will sink!
4. Pay attention! Your Guide will brief you before your run. Listen to what he says and have a great time!
We look forward to having you adventure with us. There is a lot of information on our site. Please visit the page for the activity you plan on doing. Then if you have any additional questions, feel free to contact us at any time.
See you on the river!

100 Station Street
Johnstown, PA